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Adam Dechtman, Wealth Advisor

Adam Dechtman is the newest member of the Dechtman Wealth Management staff. Adam is one of the sons of our Founder & CEO, Jordan Dechtman. Prior to starting at Dechtman Wealth Management, Adam worked for a large investment company in Boston. We are very excited to have him working with us and he is looking forward to meeting all of the clients of Dechtman Wealth Management. Please join us in welcoming Adam Dechtman to Dechtman Wealth Management and take a moment to get to know him in the following Q&A!

What is your favorite thing to do outside of the office?

I love to read as well as play golf, basketball and hike. 

Tell us one thing that not many people know about you. 

I graduated from the University of Kansas. I am a big Kansas Basketball fan. Rock Chalk! 

What are 3 of your favorite movies? 

Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, Remember the Titans 

Do you have a “Bucket List” and if so, what are the top two things on it? 

1. Watch the Wimbledon Championships at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

2. Fly to South Africa to go on a Safari and maybe catch a Springbok rugby game. 

What is one of your most treasured memories? 

Skiing every Saturday at Copper Mountain with my brother when we were younger.

Adam and his twin brother, Sam


Adam and his family skiing

If you didn’t “have” to work for a whole year, how would you spend your days? 

I’d spend my days as a Dechtman family dog. Walks, treats, belly rubs…they have the best life! 

If you could choose any time period to be alive, when would that be and why? 

Right now is the most exciting time to be alive. Humankind has made incredible progress. 200 years ago, 85% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. 20 years ago it was 29%. Today only 9% live in extreme poverty. Also, 200 years ago there was little entertainment readily available. Now, our entertainment options are endless. My girlfriend and I love watching shows together on Netflix. 


Adam and his girlfriend Carrie

Are you a cat person or a dog person? 

My family grew up being dog lovers, but i’m the type of person that would be okay with most animals (not snakes) as long as it makes me and others happy. 

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 

I’d like the power to predict the future because nobody can. 

What is the first thing you notice about another person when you meet them for the first time? 

Their smile. 

Do you think the Broncos will be good this year? 

Let’s hope so. Go Broncos! 

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